Just want to share some things posted specifically about Erin on my FaceBook wall on Erin’s birthday (12/11/2014). They were too kind and loving not to share with you.
From Sherri D:
I hope there’s someone up there
Looking after you
I hope there’s someone there to care
doing things you like to do
This is the first birthday
Not spent here with Mom & Dad
I hope in some little way
They are making a bit of a fuss
So here I am saying a prayer
To whoever is looking after you
Please take very good care of Erin
As she is a special little girl.
Thinking of you today Nicole.
From Angie S:
“…Know that we love and miss your precious Erin, with the long curly black hair, the sweet smile, & the high pitched voice. I miss her being in my home, playing, laughing and doing funny voices with AK. I miss kidding her about, “Who ate my mushrooms?!” I don’t know if I’ve ever shared that story with you.
I’m thankful that the last year of her life we were able to make some awesome memories at the beach, American Girl, the aquarium and that she finally got to visit IL.
Missing that sweet baby today & everyday. …”
This is from Carla W. It is very true and we love Erin so much still, that I want to share it.
These were just a few, but thank you for your kind words, and I hope you don’t mind me sharing with others.
I only hoped to lift your spirits just a little on this heart breaking day. I never had the pleasure of meeting Erin but she has made a difference in my life as she has for many others around the world. I hope knowing that brings you some small measure of comfort Nicole. <3
thinking of you. You are in my thoughts.